Kavabanga Depo Kolibri (UKR)

Kavabanga Depo Kolibri (UKR)


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Meet Kavabanga Depo Kolibri in your city!

Kavabanga Depo Kolibri is a trio of musicians from Kharkov (Ukraine).

A unique creative association, which, contrary to all the norms and rules of show business, without rotation on radio and TV, solely thanks to their music and social networks, got into the playlists of millions of listeners and the hearts of its many thousands of audience.

From their very first hits, written in Kharkov, Kiev and Odessa, the band has been delighting hundreds of thousands of sincere lyrics lovers with at least a dozen singles and several dozen concerts every year for 11 years! How do they do it? They just love what they do.

The concert program consists of all the band's hits, novelties, very sincere lyrics and dance singles! All this is collected in a single true line of creativity from the courtyards of their hometown Kharkov to the stage in your city.

Organizer: EWERY Sp. z o.o.

Organizer address: Platowcowa str. 20, Warsaw

Organizer contact information: olga@etso8.com,